Clear Comm Consulting

My Sales Experience Surprise

For most of my career I defined myself as an “anti-salesman.” Sales seemed like a dirty word to me. All those people cravenly going after the almighty dollar. Terrible. Then I discovered one of the most effective salespersons out there was – me. What!? How could this...

Talking Points Troubles

The trouble with talking points – planned answers for difficult or tricky questions – is that they too often SOUND like talking points! Whether you are pro golfer Phil Mickelson explaining why he is taking huge money to set up a rival golf tour or just about any...

Stop Doing This!

We’ve all fallen into this trap. We are asked a question and instead of answering, we throw in a bunch of extra words and sounds which only get in the way. Here’s how it plays out – see if you have heard it: A person is asked a straightforward question, like...

What’s Your Worth?

Entrepreneurs – especially small business owners and folks who are just getting started – will often ask me how to charge for their services. Great question! I wish there was a simple answer, and it has been a struggle for me over the years. For that reason,...

Being the Best. Always.

I had a weird thought recently while sitting in a doctor’s office waiting room. What went through my mind was this: “I want to be the best patient this doctor sees today.” This was my first time seeing this person and I found myself thinking how I was going to be the...