Clear Comm Consulting

Two great words: “What if…”

Your first words should always be great. That should be your only standard. If you stand up to speak, your first words should grab the audience – make them want to hear more. If you are writing, it should be clear from the first words that this will be a worthwhile...

Tips for Great Storytelling

Want to advance your career or grow your business? Become a better storyteller. Stories that are well told stick in people’s minds, they connect us and they are often much easier to relate to than any other form of communication. To get started on the storytelling...

There is a correct way to say “Thanks.”

Perhaps you’ve never given this idea a thought – and if you haven’t that’s okay –but there is a right and a wrong way to say “Thanks.” Given what we are celebrating right now, it only seems fitting to explore this idea. If you’re skeptical, I understand. This is a...

Issues with confidence? I have answers!

Quite often over the last almost 20 years of consulting work I have been asked to work with people who seem unconfident in front of an audience or in important meetings. For many of these individuals, the lack of confidence feels like an unconquerable mountain when...

Presenting Yourself Virtually

     So, how long has it been since you checked your LinkedIn picture? Continuing a thread I started with my last Monthly Memo, today’s focus is selling YOU in the virtual world. I had a chance to share some of these thoughts with the west coast gathering of Women in...