by Katie Pfeffer | Dec 28, 2023 | Monthly Memo
As the year comes to an end, I recently saw a guide to tipping. What is the appropriate tip for the people we interact with? One suggestion was for the person who delivers the newspaper, and, of course, very few people actually receive a physical paper these days. I,...
by Katie Pfeffer | Oct 26, 2023 | Monthly Memo
Maybe you can’t wait until you get that promotion. Or maybe you can’t wait to get your career going so you can become the boss. Some senior leaders are waiting patiently for that “final promotion” they’ve been working on for their whole career. All of that may be...
by Katie Pfeffer | Sep 28, 2023 | Monthly Memo
Do you know people who are simply straight shooters? They don’t sugar coat anything and you sometimes get their message right between the eyes. The good news is you always know where you stand with this person, right? The bad news is, as they grow in their leadership...
by Katie Pfeffer | Jul 28, 2023 | Monthly Memo
It’s time for a Monthly Memo guest columnist, and why not bring in a professional? My daughter Katie Rose helps people after receiving her Masters in Counseling and Family Therapy at Regis University in Denver. Here are her thoughts on finding your way in today’s...
by clearmessages | Jun 30, 2022 | Monthly Memo
The trouble with talking points – planned answers for difficult or tricky questions – is that they too often SOUND like talking points! Whether you are pro golfer Phil Mickelson explaining why he is taking huge money to set up a rival golf tour or just about any...
by clearmessages | May 26, 2022 | Monthly Memo
We’ve all fallen into this trap. We are asked a question and instead of answering, we throw in a bunch of extra words and sounds which only get in the way. Here’s how it plays out – see if you have heard it: A person is asked a straightforward question, like...