by clearmessages | Aug 31, 2020 | Monthly Memo
A subset of my work these days deals with the delicate area of political discussions in a toasty hot election year. The question comes up, “How can we provide direction to our employees while also respecting their rights of free speech? We can’t afford to be seen as clearmessages | Aug 1, 2020 | Monthly Memo
One of the healthiest outcomes from the increased discussion about race in this country has been the number of white people who have spoken up. Count me in that group. After years of thinking of myself as “aware” I found I wasn’t nearly aware enough. If you are clearmessages | Jun 30, 2020 | Monthly Memo, Uncategorized
Without fear of contradiction, the discussion around race and racism in this country has moved to an across-the-board focus, including in the business world. That means leaders of all races and backgrounds need to be able to have company-wide conversations they clearmessages | May 28, 2020 | Monthly Memo
My hope is you are managing the uncertainties of these days as well as possible – and rest assured, no one is doing it perfectly! During this time I’ve had a chance to observe all kinds of video meetings and want to offer some overlooked elements you can share clearmessages | Apr 28, 2020 | Monthly Memo
First, thinking of you and hoping you are safe. Second, been on any Zoom calls lately? Or any of the other platforms that are now our new office conference rooms? Yea, me too. Because a lot more of these meetings are taking place, here are seven things to keep in mind...