Clear Comm Consulting

Think of Each Communication Experience in 3-D

There are three important moving parts in any communication experience – and keeping each in mind will serve you well every single day. Seeing and understanding the three parts helps you balance your message and heighten the impact of that message – otherwise, and...

Want Job Security? Be a Translator!

The most fun in writing the Monthly Memo is seeing something happen in the marketplace and then being it able to share it.Such is the case with this Memo, based on the conversations I’ve witnessed over the last few weeks and then thinking about what it means for the...

Too Stiff? Too Folksy? How to Find the Balance

People who do what I do for a living often have shorthand expressions when people stand up and speak. Just like a baseball coach might say a batter is “too aggressive” because they swing at lots of bad pitches, there is a way of slotting people into a speaker...

You Receive Bad Career News. Then what?

Firings. Layoffs. Downsizing. Outsourcing. Limited buyouts. Through my official duties and unofficial experience (and a personal episode) I’ve had opportunities to learn a lot about how best to handle bad career news. Besides providing counsel for high-profile execs,...