by clearmessages | Mar 7, 2019 | Monthly Memo
Every experienced leader – and some inexperienced leaders – have found themselves in a tough position. They are the messenger when they don’t believe in the message. Can you feel yourself breaking into a sweat just thinking about the possibilities? It can happen clearmessages | Jan 30, 2019 | Monthly Memo
Have you ever explained something to a colleague and they totally get it – then the next person gives you a blank stare? What just happened? And why doesn’t everyone see this is so obvious! As a communicator and a leader, you’ll forever be adjusting to the clearmessages | Nov 29, 2018 | Monthly Memo
Everyone has one from time to time. The chat with an underperforming employee. Addressing a conflict that seems ready to boil over. Sorting out a client relationship which is going sour. No matter the specifics, here are some keys to make that tough talk go clearmessages | Oct 31, 2018 | Monthly Memo
The answer to the above question can be found in any excellent performance you have ever witnessed. My wife and I recently saw “Hamilton.” The answer was right there for all to see. Have you watched an outstanding athlete at the top of their game? Your answer can clearmessages | Aug 29, 2018 | Monthly Memo
John McCain was a funny, smart, maddening, driven, awkward and caring person all wrapped in a short, gray haired package. From the 1980’s until 2006 I covered him as a news reporter, then stayed in touch as I transitioned into the business world. While a lot has been...