by clearmessages | Sep 1, 2004 | Monthly Memo
For the purposes of this exercise, look at the race for the White House as a laboratory for you to learn about communication and message strategy. The Presidential debates are some of the greatest forums to do just that and, despite all the stage managing and clearmessages | Aug 1, 2004 | Monthly Memo
Riding on the John Kerry campaign train earlier this month I learned a great lesson. Occasionally I’m still asked to put on my reporter’s hat, and that’s how I found myself on the “Believe in America” express, riding across New Mexico clearmessages | Jul 1, 2004 | Monthly Memo
Two recent cases of critical media coverage offer great opportunities for everyone to learn something. First, the easy one. Martha Stewart On the day of her sentencing Martha Stewart read from a statement which contained some incredible items. First, she thanked clearmessages | Jun 1, 2004 | Monthly Memo
How do you get positive media coverage? If you are in the public eye in any way, getting something positive said about you can seem like climbing Mount Everest. It doesn’t have to be. I recently asked one of the highest profile players in the world of clearmessages | May 1, 2004 | Monthly Memo
One of the undisputed but often overlooked rules in public life is this: If you choose not to speak, someone will speak for you … and you probably won’t like what they say! Instead of realizing the truth in that statement, another rule takes over for most...