by clearmessages | Mar 1, 2005 | Monthly Memo
Let’s see a show of hands. Who here has watched, eyes glazed over, as someone stands at the front of the room going from one slide to the next on “the endless PowerPoint?” It was a topic I recently discussed with Robert McDowell, Vice President clearmessages | Feb 1, 2005 | Monthly Memo
Randy Johnson is one of the most celebrated baseball players currently in the game. When the New York Yankees once again came up short in their quest for the World Series last season, they put one person at the top of their wish list: Randy Johnson. But there are clearmessages | Jan 1, 2005 | Monthly Memo
You can feel the whole group cringe. The tough question comes zinging in from someone in the crowd and now the person with the microphone is on the spot. What do you do if you are the one who has been tossed the hot potato? How about just smiling and saying, clearmessages | Nov 1, 2004 | Monthly Memo
In more than 25 years as a reporter, I went from the 30-second soundbite, to the 15-second soundbite to the 11-second to the 7-second and, well, you get the idea. These days if you can say it in 4.5 seconds you stand a chance! The advertising world has understood clearmessages | Oct 1, 2004 | Monthly Memo
Sit down with “Swim with the Sharks” author Harvey MacKay for 10 minutes and he’ll rattle off at least 10 stories. It seems he’s never forgotten one, and the more than 10 million books he’s sold around the world back that up. But...