by clearmessages | Aug 1, 2005 | Monthly Memo
My son’s Sophomore English teacher started the school year going from student to student in each class, shaking hands with every person. It lasted just a few days and kind of freaked out the already edgy 15-year-olds, but it got me thinking! How DO people clearmessages | Jun 1, 2005 | Monthly Memo
“It’s the economy, stupid.” “I’m a compassionate conservative.” “Ask not what your country can do for you.” “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” These are some famous quotes from the last 50 years, but clearmessages | Jun 1, 2005 | Monthly Memo
How many times have you stood in front of an audience and wondered, “What should I do with my hands?” It is the single most-often asked question when I speak with clients about presentation skills. No one wants to appear to be a wild, clearmessages | May 1, 2005 | Monthly Memo
As strange as it sounds, an outright mistake in the media is the easier problem to deal with. The more difficult challenge is when an article or story on TV has taken a “tone” you disagree with, or the impression some people get from the piece is clearmessages | Apr 1, 2005 | Monthly Memo
From outright goof-ups to slight oversights, reporting is a human endeavor and mistakes occur everyday. How you handle them can lead to a successful experience for everyone involved — or it can be a disaster. Here are some thoughts from someone who has been on...