by clearmessages | Feb 1, 2006 | Monthly Memo
Not necessarily … and stop calling me Surely! This “Ask the Expert” column appears in the latest edition of “Maricopa Lawyer,” the official publication of the Bar Association in the Phoenix area. I thought you’d enjoy it. clearmessages | Jan 1, 2006 | Monthly Memo
Not all of us are blessed with a voice like James Earl Jones or Catherine Zeta-Jones. In fact, almost none of us can match their unique vocal gifts … and that’s why voice quality need not be nearly as great a concern as many of us fear. It’s clearmessages | Nov 1, 2005 | Monthly Memo
You have a great story to tell, but you can’t seem to get your local newspaper or television station to pay attention. Or the Wall Street Journal won’t return your calls even though this is a great national story! The trick may be in correctly clearmessages | Oct 1, 2005 | Monthly Memo
Now that we’re in the heart of football season, any fan can tell you the details of their favorite team’s uniform. But, you have a uniform as well, even though you may not think of it that way. For Bill Gates, it’s the blue open-collar business clearmessages | Sep 1, 2005 | Monthly Memo
Congress wants answers, or at least something close. When it came time to ask questions about Hurricane Katrina, former FEMA Director Mike Brown was front and center this week. The point for all of us to understand is this: Whenever you are asked to explain your...