by clearmessages | Aug 1, 2006 | Monthly Memo
No, this is not a yoga exercise. We won’t be getting together to practice deep breathing drills. Being able to “focus your energy” will be a terrific tool you can use right away. When you see a great communicator, you know there is something clearmessages | Jun 1, 2006 | Monthly Memo
I love that story because it captures the situation in most homes. Kids are asked what their parents do for a living and they don’t have a clue. Parents describe their adult children’s jobs by saying things like, “She does something with computers, clearmessages | May 1, 2006 | Monthly Memo
Much has been written, in this column and other places, about the importance of speaking in the communication equation. Good, important information, but let me point the discussion in a completely different direction. Let’s zero in on listening as a key for clearmessages | Apr 6, 2006 | Monthly Memo
Did you ever feel the discussion getting away from you? It’s easy for it happen as a conversation moves quickly from point to point. Whether you are in a job interview, a media interview or in front of a meeting making a presentation, the train can go off clearmessages | Mar 1, 2006 | Monthly Memo
Perhaps there have been some bumps in the road lately … a few negative articles in the paper, some poor earnings reports or a messy firing. Whatever the scenario, it is usually at this exact time that one of the bosses can shout, “Smithers, get me some...