by clearmessages | Oct 1, 2008 | Monthly Memo
If you look through the stacks of books on public speaking you’ll often see, close by, the latest joke books. The logic is simple. Anyone who has to appear in front of an audience will surely want to liven up their presentation with a joke or two — or clearmessages | Sep 28, 2008 | Monthly Memo
We’ve all been there. Your mind goes blank at a key moment in a conversation or while in front of an audience. Ouch! I was amazed during last month’s Olympics when swimming superstar Michael Phelps said about a dozen times, “I’m at a loss clearmessages | Aug 28, 2008 | Monthly Memo
When you are watching someone deliver a presentation, a political convention speech or appear in the media, can you tell what’s going on inside their head? I would submit you can, and you probably don’t even think about it in most situations. Instead clearmessages | Jul 30, 2008 | Monthly Memo
The grand tradition of the national political conventions provides an opportunity for all of us to see some great moments in mass communication — and to learn from others mistakes! In my years as a reporter I covered many of these spectacles. I recall a clearmessages | May 29, 2008 | Monthly Memo
Who has time to practice? While many of us understand the VALUE of practice for an important interview or presentation, very often we end up winging it, or we re-live college and pull an all-nighter before that important meeting (only making it worse) to prepare those...