by clearmessages | May 30, 2012 | Monthly Memo
Edition Number 86 Those reporters are just jerks right? They spend time talking to you, and then use a single sentence in the article or just one sound bite in a TV story! Why do they do that? It’s so maddening! Well, not surprisingly, I have the answer for you – clearmessages | Apr 5, 2012 | Monthly Memo
Edition #84 Here’s my question for you. How long will you have to wait before you visit a restaurant restroom and see a sign which says something very different? How about this? “Our team members always wash their hands before returning to work.” Or how about a clearmessages | Feb 26, 2012 | Monthly Memo
Who are the people who get things done these days — and how do they do it? Can I suggest it is the Diplomat Leader who makes the greatest amount of progress in a time when we hear a lot about what DIVIDES us and not a lot about what brings us TOGETHER? From clearmessages | Jan 25, 2012 | Monthly Memo
Just watching the State of the Union speech reminded me of that uncomfortable place for the people who are on, but not on. We’ve actually all been there — and there are right and wrong ways to handle it. Vice President Joe Biden and House Speaker clearmessages | Nov 25, 2011 | Monthly Memo
During his years in public life, Richard Nixon had the unfortunate reputation of having “shifty eyes.” Whether that was just my Grandmother’s dislike for the guy or it was based in fact, more than just my kindly Grandma had a distrust of President...