by clearmessages | Mar 27, 2014 | Monthly Memo
This Monthly Memo takes us off the beaten path a bit, but come along for the ride, okay? Spring is upon us (or at least it’s getting close for some of us) and with it comes the ritual of graduation. So what will all those bright and shiny new graduates do once clearmessages | Feb 27, 2014 | Monthly Memo
Have you ever heard someone start their talk by using the above phrase? My suggestion is you should shout out, “Yea, you and everyone else we’ve heard talk today!” Cruel? Perhaps. But geez is there a more overused expression? Especially for someone who is coming in clearmessages | Feb 25, 2014 | Monthly Memo
Most times the Monthly Memo does not delve into the dicey world of human psychology, but I will just dip a toe in with this message. I don’t pretend to understand the inner working of anyone’s psyche, but if I can shed some light on correctly clearmessages | Dec 26, 2013 | Monthly Memo
How do you respond when feedback is offered to you? It can be helpful, critical or just plain off-the-wall, but how do you take it? It can be a measure of your maturity, a test by a boss, a quick side comment or a turning point in your life. How you respond can be clearmessages | Nov 26, 2013 | Monthly Memo
If you have just a few seconds how do you describe your work? Think about it. The elevator speech is meant to captivate someone in just a few seconds – as if you were riding down from the CEO’s office in an elevator and had just a small window of time to explain your...