by clearmessages | Jan 27, 2015 | Monthly Memo
There are plenty of us who say there should be fewer meetings. I would be in that group! But when we must meet, let’s make sure we have a game plan, especially around who speaks and how much they speak. Here are some suggestions to make your next important clearmessages | Dec 30, 2014 | Monthly Memo
From December 30th to about the 10th of January there is an easy topic for idle discussion among friends and business associates: “So, did you make a New Year’s Resolution – and what is it?” You’ll hear everything from, “I don’t make resolutions,” clearmessages | Nov 25, 2014 | Monthly Memo
Your Mom may have told you “Don’t talk about money or religion in polite company!” Mom probably had it right. But, should you find yourself needing to talk about money, let me give you a few tips because this is actually one of my LEAST favorite topics and I have clearmessages | Oct 29, 2014 | Monthly Memo
As this baseball season comes to an end tonight, it is a great time to realize the OTHER contribution Derek Jeter has made. You may be a big baseball fan or barely take note (Is he the guy who dated Mariah Carey back in the day?) Jeter actually provides something clearmessages | Sep 24, 2014 | Monthly Memo
Taking part in a critical conference call that lacks a rule book can be one of the most frustrating situations you can face in today’s business world. People talking over each other, lack of direction and, just as bad, a lot of wasted time – you’ve probably heard it...